Near the Well

Locle 1822 – Paris 1896

Swiss School
Oil on canvas: 81.5 x 65.5 cm
Signed lower right on the bucket

Painter of genre scenes and portraits.
Pupil of Louis Grosclaude and François Edouard Picot at the Paris Academy of Fine Arts. He traveled to Italy, where he lived from 1841 until 1846, and finally settled down in Paris. He made his first appearance at the Paris Salon of 1850 and continued to participate until his death in 1896.
His genre scenes depict in smooth tones and contrasting lighting the better and the worse moments in married life.
Museums: Agen – Bern – Le Locle – Montpellier – Neuchâtel
Lit.: E. Bénézit, "Dictionnaire des peintres, sculpteurs, dessinateurs et graveurs", Paris 1999, vol. 14, p. 931.

Aussteller: Berko
Titel: Near the Well
Kategorie: Gemälde - Europäische
Epoche: 1850 - 1900 Preis:

N° 888
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