Descrizione: | |
EUGÈNE-LOUIS BOUDIN (1824 - 1898) “ Le Sas à Trouville ” Signed and dated 1894, inscribed Trouvile Oil on panel 13 x 16 in - 33 x 41 cm Provenance: Beugniet & Bonjean, Paris; Drouant-David, Paris; Lefevre Gallery, London; Apesteguy Gallery, Deauville; Alfred Sirven, France. Exhibited: 1922, Honfleur, Grenier à Sel Museum "Eugène Boudin" No.151 Catalogue; 1992, Glasgow and London, "Boudin and Trouville" No.67 Catalogue. Literature: R. Schmit Catalogue Raisonné on Eugène Boudin, 2nd ed. No.4037, p.80 |
Espositore: MacConnal-Mason Gallery | |
Le Sas à Trouville
Dipinti - Europei
Epoca: 1850 - 1900 | Prezzo: |
N° 934
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